We are almost half way through the first month of the year. So it might be a little late for me to be talking about resolutions, but I was wondering about them. I was wondering about yours. Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? If so how are you doing on them or with them? I know there are different types of resolutions. There are those that are long term so thirteen days in to the New Year you might not have any progress on them. Some, though, might be the ones you’ve resolved to do daily or that you would have progress on or with just shortly into the New Year. How are you doing on them? What are they? I don’t make resolutions so I have nothing to report, but I was wondering about you. I was wondering if you would like to share the status of your resolutions.
If I were the type to make resolutions, I would have made one that had to do with getting my stuff straightened up and out a bit. I was planning on cleaning out some stuff last year but then my mom died and I ended up with a lot of her stuff. I’m a bit of a hoarder with some thing so it is not easy for me to just get rid of stuff. But doing so, getting rid of stuff is always on my mind. To me, since it is always on my mind and it is a constant thing that needs to be done, I don’t think of it as a New Year’s Resolution.
Things often seem to get in the way of me doing any kind of cleaning out. Not easy to get going on sorting out when other things “come up” since I would rather be doing just about anything, but cleaning out closets. One thing that has come up – I am hosting a special Nia Class and Nia Playshop. Granted these events are going to be in March. There is still a lot to be done in the beginning. It takes time to work out the details and secure the venue. I would much rather be creating flyers and other marketing material than going through stuff and deciding what to get rid of. I will eventually have information on my site about the Nia Events, but for now I will say one will be a Nia Class done to 80s music and the playshop is going to be a Nia Free Dance Playshop! Mark your calendars for Friday, March 27, 2015 and Saturday, March 28, 2015.
See, I get distracted by new and exciting things. Regardless of whether you make resolutions or not, I do hope your 2015 is starting out wonderful and continues on the path of being a spectacular year. I hope that you succeed in your goals, if you are the type to make them.
What about New Year’s Resolutions? Do you make them? How are you doing with them? Do you get distracted from you resolutions?